Rail Live 2024
18-19 June 2025
Porterbrook’s Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre

ECOHire to exhibit new cabins at Rail Live 2023


ECOHire will be exhibiting its new ECO SOLAR welfare cabins at Rail Live 2023 – the largest outdoor rail exhibition in the UK, which takes place on June 21-22.

The cabins, which come in 12ft, 16ft and 24ft sizes, produce enough solar power, to power all electrical operations resulting in no generators onboard.

The company said the new cabins can help reduce service and fuel costs and cut CO2 emissions by an average of 4938kg per year, per unit.

The units are also silent in operation, which makes them ideal for urban or overnight projects, ECOHire said.

A spokesperson at ECOHire, said: “We are delighted to exhibit our new welfare cabins at Rail Live 2023.

“This is a game changer for the welfare industry and will help all industries reduce their environmental impact going forward. ECOHire, providing a greener, cleaner, better welfare solution.”

Rail Live, which takes place on June 21-22, attracts more than 5,000 rail professionals a year, representing all aspects of the rail industry.

Visit ECOHire on plot L58 to find out more.