Rail Live 2024
18-19 June 2025
Porterbrook’s Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre

Network Rail Features

Industry infrastructure giant, Network Rail, once again played a key part in the exhibition last year.

  • New in 2019, the ‘Network Rail Village’ showcased specialist equipment such as the High Output Ballast Cleaner and Kirow Crane in live demonstrations, as well as NR's survey helicopter and class 950 Track Recording Unit.
  • Network Rail speakers including Chief Executive Andrew Haines, supported by colleagues such as Chief Technology Officer Andy Doherty and Managing Director, Route Services, Susan Cooklin.
  • Visitors could talk to representatives of Network Rail’s Safety, Technical & Engineering and R&D teams in The Hub.

“Rail Live is the premier hands-on rail event of the year - rolling stock, plant, people, techniques - unmissable. Be there!”

- Sir Peter Hendy, Chairman, Network Rail

Network Rail features at Rail Live 2019: